Alright so, here goes nothing. I'm going to start writing about Episerver, whatever I can think of, nothing specific. Most likely this will be tips and tricks I've learned while working with Episerver.
I started working with Episerver around May of 2018. It was a pretty uphill learning curve. I had never worked with a CMS before (on purpose) and I was very new to programming. The biggest hurdle I faced was being so new to .NET MVC. When you're learning two things at once that have a very connected relationship, it can be difficult to separate the two. Then to add in Extension methods in you get to spend more time searching for the right answer. Should I ask on Episerver world? Or Stack Overflow? Or both?
That being said, here we go. I'll try to get tips and tricks, and neat things I learn. If you have any questions, or you find a typo or error, or just need clarification feedback is always welcome. I don't plan to add any comments to this site, but who knows, never say never.
Happy Coding!